Friday, June 29, 2012

summer mornings


le seed.

 le pinecone shovel & le seed.

le good job.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

le creamery

I can't help it. After Thursday's introduction to Bi Rite Creamery, I've now been there three times in two days.

And it ain't stopping tonight.

belated celebrations

To close out the birthday month appropriately, a friend and I grabbed some grub at 
the Boxing Room in Hayes Valley.

Cajun food & zinfandel on tap. Yes, please.

To begin with, we shared fresh Miyagi oysters, & deep-fried alligator drizzled with creole remoulade. I didn't expect to enjoy the alligator because it was, well...alligator. But holy cow- the combination of subtle flavors immediately melted in my mouth. I will definitely be ordering that beast again.

Next we were on to the house jambalaya, topped with a delectable duck breast. I was a little unsure about eating the duck initially. The only other time that I've eaten duck was in Amsterdam when I pointed to something in Dutch on the menu- hoping that it would be a good choice. Not so much. However, this duck was quite tender & tasty.

Out of respect,  I may refrain from doing my duck impression for a few days.

The night was not ending here. We were feeling an intense sweet tooth coming on and wanted some ICE-CREAM. We threw on our coats & began trekking it to Bi Rite Creamery. Having never been here before, I was anticipating a regular old ice cream parlor. Oh, was I wrong.

When we arrived, they immediately threw us samples of earl grey, orange cardamom, toasted coconut, snicker doodle, & salted caramel. And they weren't stopping there. I ended up with 3 scoops and wish I had ordered more.  With our ice-creams in hand, we walked up to the Castro and thought about grabbing a second round of desserts at bisou. Instead, we opted for some champagne & French introductions.

Good Birthday Month. Success.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January Days

the final dinner party

"Watch out for that small thing that bites your ankles.."

..advised Bobby, when referring to the open dishwasher.

(It's fun coming to my parent's house for dinner)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Cookie Monster Inc.

Almond Macaroon

A few years ago, I operated a small cookie business in Santa Barbara. At the time, I also worked as a barista in a local coffee shop and absolutely loved it.  I thought I had found my niche- ready to slave behind an espresso machine for the rest of my life.

To supplement my coffee making skills, I began to bake cookies of all shapes and sizes- with almond macaroons being everyone's favorite. Everyday after work, I'd rush home and turn on the oven to begin baking. I'd get the KitchenAid in place, decide on an (innovative) recipe, and begin baking for the next 4 hours. I couldn't let my coffee shop customers down- even at the expense of 4 less hours of sleep.

Life was good.

A couple of months later, my romanticized idea of working as a full-time barista & maintaining a successful cookie business began to dissipate. It was a dog-eat-dog world in the cookie industry and let's just say I wasn't prepared to fight the other "cookie lady" for counter space any longer.

Fortunately for my parents, they were glad to see me move on to bigger and (better?) things.

Almond Macaroon Recipe

The preparation method for making these little guys is quite simple.
  • 1 (7 oz) package almond paste
  • 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 1/4 cups powdered sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon almond extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 egg whites
  • 3 dozen blanched whole almonds
  • 1/2 cup shredded organic coconut

Grease your cookie sheet. Break the almond paste into smaller pieces and add them to the flour and sugar mixture. Add egg whites and extracts and beat with an electric mixer on medium speed for about 2 minutes, scraping bowl occasionally.

Place the dough in a decorating bag fitted with a #9 rosette tip. Pipe the dough onto the cookie sheet in 2 inch rounds. Top each with an almond and sprinkle with coconut. Refrigerate for 30 minutes. In the meantime, set the oven to 325. After 30 minutes, bake the cookies until edges are light brown. Immediately remove from cookie sheet and place on a cooling rack.

Note: if you want to add more almonds or coconut while they are baking- that's always a good option. My friends always love more coconut than the recipe calls for. And for a finishing touch, you may top the cookies with a pinch of powdered sugar. Viola.

Perfect for adorning true dessert masterpieces

Renaud's hazelnut cake.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

January Days

When warm weather happens to manifest itself on the shores of Santa Barbara, there's really only 3 things worth doing:

1. going whale watching
2. surreying down Cabrillo- maracas in hand
3. picking fruit in the garden

..and because my mom was busy today, the final option seemed most appropriate.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

so-called cleanse.

In an effort to counter the effects of the holidays- and against my better judgment, I decided to do a juice cleanse. Knowing many people that swear by them, I thought I'd finally give it a try. 

After morning yoga at the Soup, I was ready to take on the challenge. Because I don't own a juicer (and never will), I drove straight to the nearest juice bar. I was going to pay someone to juice my juice.  I looked at the extensive juicing menu- having to squint my eyes to read the infinitesimally long descriptions.  I picked the first thing that sounded remotely palpable, with over 10 different vegetables and ginger. While I was waiting, I thought about grabbing a sandwich, but then remembered that I was on a cleanse. Damn.

Once my juice was juiced, I grabbed the cup, only to realize that it was warm. Gross. Who even does that?  I quickly asked for some ice cubes to make my juice less tepid in temp. The juice lady looked down her nose at me. Clearly I was not a seasoned juice drinker.

By the time I got home, I had gotten through about half of my juice. I added more ice cubes and chugged the rest- definitely the hardest thing I've done all year. I realized then that I was still famished. If anything, the juice had made me hungrier.

An hour and a half later, my juice cleanse ended with some chips & salsa. I prefer to eat my food rather than sip it anyway.

Monday, January 23, 2012

dishin up the nutrish

Persea americana

Avocados are my favorite. They are rich in flavor, fun to pick off the tree (obviously) and extremely nutritious. 

I love adding avocado to just about anything.
When I'm not stuffing myself with guacamole at Gracias Madre, I add a few slices to my breakfast. This adds a wonderful soft flavor & gives you a long-lasting feeling of comfort.

Avocado nutriton, etc.

Avocados are great. They are native to Central and South America and have been cultivated since 8,000 B.C.E. There are dozens of varieties of avocados, with the Haas variety being the most popular in California. In fact, over 95% of all avocados consumed in the US are grown in California.

These little guys are extremely concentrated with nutrients and carotenoids. Such carotenoids are alpha-carotene & lutein, beta-carotene, zeaxanthin and violaxanthin. Avocados are also extremely rich in healthy (and unusual) fats. There is strong research that suggests that the consumption of avocado fat can decrease inflammation and help aid our digestive tract through the formation of transport molecules that help increase the absorption of fat-soluble nutrients. Avocado's polyhydroxylated fatty alcohols (otherwise only found in ocean plants) also provide anti-inflammatory benefits.

There has also been extensive research that suggests that there is a direct relationship between avocado consumption and anti-cancer benefits- specifically cancers of the skin, mouth and prostate gland. In healthy cells, avocado helps improve inflammatory & oxidative stress levels. However, in cancer cells, avocado helps to increase oxidative stress and shift the cancer cells into a cell death cycle (apoptosis). In essence, avocado consumption lessens cancer cell numbers, while simultaneously encouraging the creation of non-cancerous cells.

And the best part is that Santa Barbara is teeming with avocado trees, thus making them easily available all year!

Much of this research comes from Whole Foods. For more information, please see this link.

rainy day

perfect for a little baking.


un peu de sucre

une pincée d'amour

La vraie perfection

If there's one thing Renaud is good for, it's his
almond croissant.

Renaud's Patisserie & Bistro is a stellar spot in Santa Barbara.
Serving authentic French fare, and some of the most mouth-watering pastries around. I'm not exaggerating when I say that Renaud's croissants are superior in flavor and texture compared to the ones you'll find in Paris.

Hence the reason, I usually pick up 3 croissants at time.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


wintery is the new autumnal.

mothery influences

bacon & beer..

 it's what's for breakfast


Monday, January 9, 2012

she taught me well.

Rome, circa 1992.

Gelato, per usual.