Monday, November 7, 2011

Spoonin Up Watcha Love..
with Alisa Lee.

I for one, have never been a big juicer. It seems messy, time consuming and generally more trouble than it's worth. Plus, I like eating my fruit & veggies.

However, last week my good friend Alisa tried to persuade me otherwise. She asked if I could come over and shoot a few pictures of her in juicing action for her food blog, Spoon It.  Always wanting to be part of the action (when it comes to food), I happily agreed.

Alisa had already purchased organic granny smiths & the largest carrots I had ever seen. She claimed that the combination of flavors would be delish. Hmm. It was hard for me to believe her because all I could think about was eating her apples. I need to remind myself to eat before food photo shoots, otherwise it becomes Bad Bews Bears ASAP.

After discussing the steps we needed to take, i.e. washing, chopping, dividing, etc., we finally decided to shoot the video/a few stills. Surprisingly, the juicing only took about 15 minutes from start to finish (not counting the time necessary to clean the massive juicing monster machine- circa 1958.. and roughly the size of my torso).

..and it was just the perfect autumnal color.

Check out more of Alisa's juicing tips with her personal videos, more pictures and foodie advice in general. 

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