Tuesday, November 2, 2010

the trouble you get into with a free afternoon and a little inspiration

autumnal Baking.
Part I
 After getting my hair done, running many pointless errands, and finalizing costumes designs, much of last Friday was spent in the Van Buren kitchen.  This was a treat as a little holiday baking was on my to do list (and had been since Labor Day Weekend.)
This may seem a little extreme to some of you.  However, if there's one thing that I plan ahead for, it's the holidays.

I had all the decorations assembled, the butter at room temperature, and the cookie sheets greased.
I was ready.
In addition to my audience: the house cat we call Pixie.

After making dozens of sugar cookies, I began to realize I would also need time to decorate them.  This I had failed to take into account time-wise.  I had been baking for 3 hours without melting the chocolate or cracking open the decorating materials...woops.

When all was said and done, the cookies turned out pretty well.  I could have spent a little more attention to detail, however, I had to attend Ben's special (strictly costume) birthday party that beginning in only a matter of minutes.  Baking was not a legitimate excuse for being tardy.

... (shot taken in first few minutes of arriving.  Consumed very quickly thereafter.)

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