Monday, July 26, 2010

a simple treat

Van Buren Summer Barbecue, Part II
Yesterday afternoon my parents had a few friends over for a casual BBQ.  One of my best friends, Rachel, was visiting from LA so we happily joined the BBQ festivities.  
For drinks, we sipped on Fess Parker's Ashley Chardonnay.  This delectable vino is very buttery, making it an easy match for our appetizers; fresh bruschetta and kalamata olives.
Whilst the parents & friends chatted about their favorite Music Academy artists and upcoming performances, Rachel and I prepared the asparagus and lemons for grilling.  Barbecuing asparagus has become second nature, as it is probably the 67th time I've prepared it just this summer (Cristina, I'm sure you understand).  Making this simple meal is so easy.  All we did was brush a little olive oil and lemon juice on the spears, turning them over continually for an even grill.  For the finishing touches, they received a pinch of pepper and fresh dill.

 Along with the asparagus & grilled lemon wedges, we enjoyed grilled wild salmon, wild rice, fresh corn salad, and homemade pesto pasta.  AKA: the classic Van Buren summer dinner.  Delicious, and extremely filling that a long walk around the block is almost always necessary.
However, no matter how full we always are, there is always room for dessert.  Last night we enjoyed Marilyn's homemade Pavlova, coupled with fresh lemon bars.  Yummmm; it was absolutely the best sugary citrus party for your mouth!

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